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Magento eCommerce Platform: Is It Worth Choosing?

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    October 20, 2021
Magento eCommerce Platform: Is It Worth Choosing?

The advancement of technology in the retail space has affected consumer behavior. Instead of visiting a market and searching for a specific product, it is very simple to get it through an eCommerce store at the optimal price and choice. You may purchase everything from a PCB to a mobile phone and its accessories online. The eCommerce marketplace is segmented into 3 sections: B2C, B2B, and C2C.

Several eCommerce stores built by website development services are available for online selling. Magento, on the other hand, is one of the most reliable and powerful eCommerce website-building systems accessible. 

It dominates the eCommerce sector and is widely recognized across a wide range of business verticals, most notably in retail and health.

Market Share of Magento

Magento handles many popular eCommerce websites. Some of them are:

Coca-Cola Company – This is among the most well-known and recognized soft drink brands on a global scale. Magento is utilized to power this corporation’s online store, which sells items such as gift boxes and customized bottles.

Ford – This industry uses the Magento content management system to sell Ford Accessories to online shoppers.

Warby Parker – The multibillion-dollar company provides prescription sunglasses and eyeglasses. With over 85% market share in the United States, the firm also picked Magento as the eCommerce solution for its web store.

Olympus – Magento powers the website of this Japanese conglomerate, which is renowned worldwide as a pioneer in optics and precision computer technologies.

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What Are the Advantages of Magento Development Services?

  • The Platform is Open Source

Magento commerce cloud nature is only one of numerous reasons why it is the best platform for developing eCommerce applications. It implies that it could be used by anyone with expertise in developing Magento websites. Due to the framework’s flexibility, it may be modified and tailored by an Open Source development Company to specific customer needs. Also, Magento Community Edition (CE) is a free option, which makes it an appealing choice for any new business.

  • The Community and Ecosystem of Magento

The Magento Community’s genuine dedication is one of the major reasons Magento ecommerce platform seems to have such a huge foothold among its competition. It is supported by a huge community of passionate designers, developers, publishers, strategists, and solution architects. If site developers run into any difficulties, they may get immediate assistance from Magento community specialists.

This network has a membership of over 500,000 individuals who are capable of offering actual support and solutions to specific circumstances. Magento’s ecosystem is always informing customers about new technologies and advancements.

  • Numerous Payment Options

To increase consumer satisfaction, eCommerce sites generally incorporate a variety of payment methods, allowing consumers to place orders using their preferred payment method. Magento supports the majority of popular payment methods, such as Stripe, PayPal, GPay, as well as credit or debit cards, and bank transfers. Magento enables an eCommerce development company to quickly incorporate a variety of additional payment options into any online store.

  • Exceptional Performance

If we talk about Magento development services, Magento is without a doubt the industry leader in terms of page load time, request computation, as well as other discrete or continuous activities. It optimizes the website’s performance while consuming little server resources. Magento is not dependent on businesses continuing to use the platform’s associated hosting services. It’s possible to select a Magento web host that’s tailored to your specific needs.

This enables online merchants to keep control over their company data and to select the most suitable hosting provider for their online platform.

  • Optimized for Search Engines

SEO is not obsolete. That’s also true for Magento. It’s a search engine optimization-friendly solution that allows you to rank higher in search results pages, which ultimately leads to more sales. It contains SEO-optimized link building, interconnections, a positioning layer, tags, and headers that may help any eCommerce store rank better in SERP and make it even simpler for clients to locate your store.

  • Integration Ease

While Magento has a rich set of features and functionality, it cannot be utilized entirely for commercial operations. To be implemented efficiently, any eCommerce store may require a considerable variety of add-ons and plugins. Magento enables you to easily integrate a wide variety of third-party modules and plugins, including payment systems, online services, shipping methods, and inventory management.

Furthermore, the Magento platform includes Google technologies like Base and Analytics to assist you in monitoring your online store’s efficacy and productivity while remaining relevant to the newest eCommerce developments.

  • Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

The majority of online shoppers make purchases using their mobile devices. Hence, you must design a mobile-responsive eCommerce website. You do not, however, need to take any further steps because Magento is mobile-friendly. It enables you to create a responsive eCommerce store that operates across all platforms and offers consumers a frictionless digital shopping experience.

Using Magento, Choosing the best web development company enables you to easily modify the aesthetic appearance of your firm’s interfaces, graphics, and transaction capabilities. Customers who visit your online store by laptop, smartphone, or tablet will all enjoy an exceptional user experience.

  • Flexibility

Each of us places a premium on authority. And Magento enables developers to do just that. Designers and Developers have complete control over every aspect of the functioning of the eCommerce business. It permits the eCommerce store to be deployed in a range of cases. You may select the setup environment that is best appropriate for your requirements. 

Magento provides a range of deployment options, such as cloud-based server hosting. Rest confident that Magento’s flexibility enables you to reconstruct your online shop entirely if the need arises to expand.

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Considerations to Make Before Hiring a Magento Development Company or Developer

1. Compilation of Requirements

It is critical to have a full overview of the eCommerce store, you are planning to develop. You must have a firm grip on both the overall project and the eCommerce Website Development Cost. It’s as basic as jotting down a few project specifics. You should describe all of your procedures and choices, as well as a list of the Magento website’s feature needs. To accomplish all of this, make sure you must have got a thorough understanding of Magento’s capabilities.

Additionally, you should expand your skills to incorporate a feasibility analysis of your business concept. You have the option of researching a range of development companies. Following that, you may speak with Magento experts and establish their expectations of you.

These are critical elements to consider when you shape the scope of your online store. After mastering these principles, you’ll need to gather information on the level of customization required for your project, the phases involved in developing a Magento eCommerce store, how other websites utilize the Magento technology, and the budget of the project.

2. Magento Certified Developers

If we talk about magento certified developers, It is essential to understand that development is more than just writing code. That is far from reality. Along with coding expertise, a competent Magento developer should possess strong design abilities. Further, the developer should adhere to industry-standard development practices that are required for any website. 

Experienced developers will aid you in minimizing project costs and duration. The majority of developers, on the other hand, specialize in one or more fields. This enables them to exhibit extraordinary talents critical for addressing problems in their areas of specialization.

As a result, it is important to thoroughly vet the credentials and skills of any Magento developer or firm before employing them. Numerous individuals hold certifications in areas such as front-end design or cloud computing. As a result, identifying and establishing the skill sets necessary for your project is important.

With these qualifications, you may create a product that is both successful and efficient while displaying expertise all through the development cycle.

3. Organizational Experience

A firm’s experience is the key to providing the best services for your desired project. Before selecting a Magento development company, you should assess their expertise and understanding. With these two, you can establish a lucrative and productive eCommerce shop. Organizations and freelance Magento developers must be capable of putting up their best efforts to fix any issues that may emerge. The challenges may be technological in origin or connected to day-to-day development factors.

There are several variables to consider before you Hire Magento Developers. A competent developer must have an in-depth understanding of your needs. Following that, the developer should work tirelessly to accomplish your project within the stated period. He must assist you in the exploration of other aspects of your business, such as branding. 

4. A Company’s Portfolio

Before choosing a Magento development company or developer, keep in mind that the portfolio is just as important as any other component of the project. Portfolios express a great lot and are used by development businesses as a sales tool. A comprehensive analysis of the firm’s portfolio provides insight into the organization’s skills, project delivery methods, and web development strategies.

By compiling a comprehensive list of them, you may weigh the relative merits and demerits of various developed businesses. Further, a portfolio indicates if a firm is capable of efficiently meeting all of your company requirements. If you lack a deep understanding of a company’s portfolio, you run the danger of lacking the trust essential to effectively execute a project. 

A portfolio will assist you in making an informed choice about which organization to choose to meet your business needs.

5. Testimonials and Ratings on the Web

The use of reviews and opinions to quantify the success of various platforms, enterprises, and organizations are common. Numerous review websites are important for assessing the quality of Magento eCommerce developers’ services. Clutch and other similar review platforms are critical for ongoing corporate evaluations.

Therefore, before choosing a Magento developer, you should check authentic client evaluations and reviews for the businesses with whom they have collaborated to produce outstanding websites. 

To determine the best company predicated on ratings and reviews, consider the complexity of the initial development cycle, the frequency, and effectiveness of client interaction, the project’s delivery schedule, implementation, and adherence to customer specifications.

6. Utilization of Best Technology

Choosing the best Magento eCommerce solutions necessitates working with a more knowledgeable team that is abreast of the latest technological advances. Moreover, the company should ensure that the project is assigned to highly competent employees. Developers should familiarize themselves with cutting-edge technology and tools to streamline the implementation of your eCommerce shop.

7. Mode of Communication

Communication, like with anything else, is important when selecting a Magento firm to ensure the project’s success. Continuous communication between the two parties is important, more so when project modifications and updates are necessary. Therefore, it is critical to consider interaction when hiring a Magento specialist.

The developer’s communication skills should be strong, as should his or her capacity to deal effectively with clients. All of these elements contribute to the developer’s ability to grasp clients and their business needs. As a result, when choosing a Magento developer, ensure that collaboration will be kept throughout the project’s lifetime.

While communication is an essential component of every project lifecycle, it is equally necessary to stress the importance of communication transparency. The firm you choose should be capable of rapidly deploying the change inputs and reply via email or other available means of communication. Transparent communication is critical to ensuring communication with all stakeholders at all stages of the project’s lifespan.

8. Comparison of Price vs. Value

While financial considerations are critical, it is also critical to evaluate the quality of work that a Magento firm or developer can do. Locating a cost-effective firm that provides high-quality services might be difficult. To do this, you should constantly review the work requirements and determine whether they require the support of a competent developer. 

Second, you can examine the pricing structure and predict scenarios that could result in increased expenditures. Beyond everything, ensure that firms’ prices and quality of work are transparent.

9. Development Time Required

Generally, the web development cycle is organized around meeting objectives while keeping to strict time limitations. This necessitates you to check each Magento professional firm’s development time promises. It is important to consider the developer’s approach to project management in the case of setbacks. Would they be happy to reschedule, or will they abandon the project altogether in the interim? It is critical to select Magento professionals that are capable of completing your project on time regardless of development setbacks. These specialists will always maintain a schedule and will ensure that the consumer is satisfied in all instances.

10. Inspection, Testing, and Quality Assurance

In every development process, testing is an essential component of the whole process. As a result, we must ensure that the code has been well tested and understood. It is necessary to examine whether or not the code is acceptable for business use. Appropriate testing should be conducted to ensure the website is completely functioning and bug-free.

11. Assistance Following Development

Developing an online store alone is not enough. Regular inspections and upgrades should be regularly conducted. Therefore, when choosing a Magento developer, seek individuals who will go above and beyond in terms of post-development support.

12. Security & Safety

Emphasize security and safety above anything else. In today’s digital day and age, cybercriminals pose a serious risk to corporate data. As a result, the Magento specialist you select should be knowledgeable about security and privacy policies. They must be able to protect your store or platform against attacks and data loss.

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Expert Magento Developer’s Skillset

Proficiency in All Major Programming Languages – A Magento developer must be skilled in all major programming languages. This is the basic least they should possess, considering that the core of the eCommerce website building business is built upon the effective usage of scripting languages.

Certification – Any Magento developer, you employ for your eCommerce store development must hold a Magento certification attesting to his Magento skills. He must have passed the Magento 2 certification test, which verifies the essential abilities and core knowledge for installing a Magento eCommerce store efficiently.

Problem Solving Skills – In this digital era, problem-solving capabilities are necessary for every area of business, and a Magento designer should exhibit them as well to ease the job at hand for both himself and the business organization that hired him.

Database Technology Expertise – Another essential expertise that a Magento developer should offer is a concise overview of database technology. Database systems collect data and then arrange store, and evaluate it in a way that enables consumers to easily obtain their particular items on an eCommerce store.

Read Also: List of Key Factors to Consider for Measuring E-Commerce Success

To Sum Up, 

Magento consistently receives excellent feedback from businesses and programmers when it comes to advanced eCommerce development frameworks. It is adored by developers since it lets them do virtually any task in response to a customer request. Business value, Magento for the multitude of pre-installed features and functionality. 

As a result, you should not be hesitant to use Magento as your new eCommerce technology platform.


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