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Cost and Features to Develop Employee Tracking System

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    August 12, 2021
Cost and Features to Develop Employee Tracking System

Employee tracking applications can be described as an overview of employee management tools required by an organization to maintain employee data, involvement, and productivity, and to increase enterprise value. An employee tracking application is a critical component of human resource management. Althougg there are lots of softwares for employees. These applications are capable of handling all employee-centric HR functions, from recruitment, time and leave, performance, compliance, to remuneration and rewards programs.

Employees are indeed a great asset to your business. Monitoring them is undoubtedly a difficult task, and as the number of workers grows, it becomes even more difficult to maintain an overview of the entire workforce. employee management solutions are designed to precisely supervise, evaluate, and control employees’ work hours and to maximize the utilization of human resources. Furthermore, it assists in ensuring that payrolls are finalized in a consistent way.

If you’re researching human resource technology, it’s likely for one of two main reasons.

1) You’re looking to upgrade your existing model and searching for an employee tracking application with far more (or smarter) functionalities than what you’re currently using.

2) You are a thriving business that is embarking on its first implementation of employee tracking software. In either case, we can assist.

Whether you’re seeking smarter features to incorporate or you’re bringing an employee tracking app development to your business for the first time, this blog post will assist you in determining the cost and features associated with developing an employee tracking application. Therefore, let us dive in!

Benefits of Using Employee Tracking Application

Employee tracking applications are beneficial for the smooth operation of an organization, particularly large organizations. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of having an employee tracking system in an organization:

#Enhances Workflow Efficiency

When you supervise your key employees, organizing workflows becomes effortless. How? You’ll be able to:

  • Easily track employee’s operations to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
  • Communicate clearly with them so that they follow the project’s requirements.
  • Admire and incentivize them on their accomplishments to keep them motivated.
  • When things do not go as planned, intervene effectively.

This way, you’ll have the qualified person and protocols in order to ensure that everything runs smoothly!

#Employee Engagement

Employee tracking system provides solutions for increasing employee engagement, which has a positive effect on retention. They provide modern methods for tracking and evaluating organizational effectiveness. You’re able to collaborate with the workforce to establish goals, increase their sense of worth, and chart a course for their success. Because 70% of employees nationwide are disengaged, possessing employee management solutions in place to maintain a stimulating work environment is a mandatory requirement, not a ‘nice to have.’

#Simple to Provide Constructive Feedback

Annual performance evaluations terrify both employees and managers, despite the fact that they are a critical component of the success of the organization. Mostly the feedback is often one-sided since the manager has so far formed an opinion, employee bias, and complacency against an employee. To eradicate this problem, you can hire mobile app development services which will develop a feature-rich tracking employee hours application for your business.

You can then send a personal message to an employee to expressing gratitude or to compliment them on a well-performed task. Praising a worker with positive feedback demonstrates to them that you appreciate their efforts and that their efforts do not go unrecognized. By not postponing feedback until the end of the year, you ensure that productivity and morale remain high throughout the year.

#Less Paperwork 

An efficient employee tracking system can be customized by mobile app development company to meet the unique requirements of each division, allowing for the reduction of paperwork. Why is this critical? To begin, when forms are converted to digital, staff members save an average of 10 hours a week, and company owners save 5 hours each week. This opens up significant time for both parties to focus on critical areas rather than sinking in paperwork.

Furthermore, there is no inconvenience, the process is faster and nothing would be lost. Likewise, it streamlines the process: employee monthly performance, holiday requests, sales reports, expense reports can all be completed digitally from any location and will be delivered to your workstation automatically.

#Track Time And Attendance

An employee management system gives supervisors insight into their teams and enables them to more effectively control and organize work hours, thereby lowering labor costs and increasing productivity.

Management and employees have access to an immediate and real-time record of absences and hours worked via a graphical dashboard. This enables the team to be more accountable and to stay on top of frequent absences before they become a problem.

#Reduce Employee Costs

Employee tracking applications provide advanced ways to increase workplace motivation, which may have a positive effect on your business’s growth. With the assistance of these tools, you can communicate easily with your employees to stabilize new targets and instill a sense of ownership in them.

Businesses that hire a reputed mobile app development company to develop an efficient mobile tracking application can achieve twice the results with the same number of workers. This will result in a reduction in the cost of recruiting new employees. Every corporation must bear in mind that motivated workers present their best selves, which undoubtedly increases productivity.

#Improved Subordinate-Manager Relationships 

Employee tracking application alleviates the stress, anxiousness, and aggravation that employers and supervisors frequently experience. It facilitates low-stress communication and enables employees and managers to collaborate on organizational goals.

To summarise, employee tracking applications equip an organization with a slew of techniques for effective communication while also emphasizing employees’ performance.

Must-Have Features in Employee Tracking Application

#Time Tracking

Every employee tracking application’s central objective is to track the time the workforce spends each day completing organizational tasks. This includes hours spent clocking in and out, idle and active hours, and even precise hours spent scanning web pages or other applications.

Time tracking software for employee in the employee tracking app provides detailed information about each employee’s performance. It depicts the reality of how the employee spends his or her office hours and analyses the source of distractions. Subsequently, it is an ingenious way to monitor costly, time-consuming projects.

Enterprises can use time tracking functionality to prioritize tasks in order to accomplish projects within the price range and timeline constraints. Also, the ability to categorize timesheet records by departments and areas can be advantageous.

This simplifies the management process for business owners who would like to know the amount of production value generated by each staff member in their organization by location and department.

#Calculation of Productivity

An employee tracking application that does not include a feature for calculating efficiency might not even be worth the expense. This feature provides employers with a crystal clear comprehensive view for tracking employee productivity like employees’ active and idle time throughout the day. It is not possible for the company owners to detect how every staff member utilizes their time. Fortunately, this benefits of employee monitoring software that calculates productivity makes it possible. It must generate a detailed task breakdown for you that covers the following information:

  • No. of hours worked
  • Hours spent actively and inactively
  • Hours that are productive and those that are not
  • Hours of neutrality

The productivity report, which is presented graphically, details the upsides and downsides of an organization’s levels of productivity.

#Attendance of Employees

Employees who really are punctual and disciplined to their office hours are consistently quite efficient in their assigned tasks/projects as well. And they are constantly attempting to finish their tasks ahead of schedule.  Therefore, if you expect your staff members to exhibit more disciplined work behavior, keep track of their work time and attendance by including this feature in your application.

Those who are not consistent in their work cannot be considered appropriate employees to participate in ongoing tasks and projects. By keeping a track of their attendance, you can advise such employees to improve their discipline and accountability for their work. This will assist you in instilling an increased sense of accountability in your staff members.

#Project Management

Effective project management is vital for successfully completing and handing over projects to the customers on time. For project leaders, the inclusion of a project management feature in your track employee hours application will be a godsend. By allocating specific job roles to employees, organizations can monitor the project’s progress as it nears the deadline. Project management contributes to the development of a sense of personal responsibility, which is critical to meet desired outcomes and deadlines.

#Creating Reports

Data analysis and reports are critical to the success of businesses. They provide an extraordinary insight into employee performance relative to predefined targets. Accurate analytics enables businesses to determine whether or not to expand their workforce based on the productivity and effectiveness of current employees. Your application can offer reports on information like:

  • Specific task employees worked on together
  • Working and idle hours of employees
  • Time taken by the employee to complete a particular task

#User-Friendly Interfaces

As not all of your staff members will be tech-savvy, you must ensure that the application developed by mobile app development services must provide powerful features while remaining simple to use. After all, the more time your employees will spend tinkering with or learning to use the tracking application, the less time they will actually get to complete the tasks.

Employee tracking applications are meant to assist your employees in being more productive, not less productive. If the application is too complex to use, it will simply consume valuable time rather than generate more of it.

#Payroll Management 

The automated payment feature is a time-saving process for maintaining appropriate, accurate, and transparent payroll management. It eliminates unnecessary payroll-related disagreements and inconsistencies by leaving no room for error.


A single employee tracking application cannot possibly contain all of the features you desire. Thus, you require integrations. With effective integrated solutions, you can maintain the progress of the project more proficiently in your company.

Employee tracking application with a seamless integration ability can assist you in complying with applicable employment taxation rates codes in each region or nation in which you operate.

#Tracking Your Specific Needs

Employee tracking application is much more than a glamorized time card for clocking in and out workforce. You should very clearly discuss your requirements with the Employee Tracking App Development company so that they can include the employee app features catering to your specific requirements.

For instance, If your employees are never required to travel to work, GPS tracking is unnecessary. But in case, your employees spend the majority of their time traveling or working in numerous places, you may want to opt for a GPS-tracking app.

If your staff members spend the majority of their day on a desktop, you should include the functionality that keeps track of what they do online. The critical point is to ensure that the application provides the precise type of monitoring you require.

#Cost of Developing Employee Tracking Application

It is quite impossible for us to tell you the exact figure that you have to spend for developing a good employee tracking application, simply because each stage of the application development involves a plethora of variables that collaboratively influence the final cost figure.

Fortunately, there are a few application development budget-forming variables that we can assist you with in shaping the cost for your employee tracking app. Thus, the cost breakdown of app development boils down to the following:

App functionality and capability: What features are you planning to include in your application? The more features you would like to add, the higher the development cost.

Supported Mobile Platforms: You have to decide the target users for your application. Generally, android applications cost lower than iOS. You can also go for cross-platform application development if you have a higher budget.

Points of Integration: Will your application support the functionality to be incorporated with third-party applications that will enhance the app’s content?

Utilization of Visual Objects: The sophistication of graphic elements within an app has a significant impact on the cost.

Maintenance: After an application development is complete, it will almost definitely require tech assistance from the developer. You can choose to include the maintenance cost in either the development phase or pay later.

Thus, the estimated cost of developing an employee tracking app can be between $5000 to $15000, and the estimated time required might be somewhere between 2-4 months.

BONUS: Tips To Get The Best From Your Employees

#Promote Good Communication

A satisfied and motivated workplace is built on clear communication. Begin by communicating to your staff members your organization’s vision, goals, and strategies for achieving them. Concentrate particularly on effective communication during times of uncertainty. Regular meetings with employees are critical in businesses which should never be overlooked even after implementing any tracking system.

#Establish Clear Expectations 

Are you aware of why the majority of employees perform poorly? That’s because they’re unsure of what they must do. Job roles do not adequately prepare employees for upcoming responsibilities. If someone is unsure of what they are supposed to do, they will take considerably longer to complete a task.

Prior to establishing any objectives and goals, ascertain what needs to be accomplished. Then, be as specific and precise as possible. A great way of ensuring that all your goals are met by employees is to implement a SMART strategy:

  • Specific: Be as specific as possible with your goals. Inform the employees precisely of your requirements.
  • Measurable: Ensure that your objectives are quantifiable so that you can track the progress quickly.
  • Achievable: Establish goals that are within the reach of available resources.
  • Real: Setting appropriate standards to avoid demoralization.
  • Timely: Provide your employees with a specific deadline for completing their tasks.

Read - Tips For Ensuring Your Mobile App Stays Updated and Valuable For Users

#Establish a Culture of Trust

Trust is a critical factor for employee motivation and productivity. If your employees believe you do not trust them sufficiently, they will become discouraged and perform poorly. Employees who believe in their leader are likely to perform 10 times better in an organization. That is why it is critical to establish a trusting environment. This is how you can do it:

  • Respect Their Privacy: Allow your employees to work in their own space.


  • Put an end to micromanagement: Overseeing all of it yourself can undermine your employees’ faith.


  • Avoid Continuous Feedback: Just provide constructive criticism when it is absolutely necessary, such as when a significant change is required or when they are going in the wrong direction. Avoid expressing your perspective on every minor point.

#Reward Excellent Performance 

Having an incentive-based management strategy is critical for employee motivation. Because once you reward your staff members, you demonstrate your appreciation for their efforts.

Numerous businesses employ a performance-based compensation system. This incentivizes employees to work more efficiently and work harder in order to earn a higher salary. For instance, if an employee generates more sales, his aggregate commission rate increases.


We hope that the above blog post has helped you gain a better understanding of employee tracking application and custom web development. If you incorporate the features listed above into your app, the end result will be simply phenomenal and will aid in the growth of your organization. Apart from  tracking them, keep these tips in mind to elicit the best performance from employees, as every element contributes to your organization’s success.


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