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Tips For Ensuring Your Mobile App Stays Updated and Valuable For Users

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    July 29, 2021
Tips For Ensuring Your Mobile App Stays Updated and Valuable For Users

Due to the continuing growth in the usage of tablets and smartphones in past years, several firms have created and released mobile app. However, like any innovation, a “set it and forget it” strategy does not work. Mobile app needs to be continuously evolving in terms of capability, and consumers now demand a more complete experience than they did previously. Moreover, study into how consumers engage with applications has resulted in shifts in layout, usability, and other areas.

Businesses must constantly update their mobile apps to remain relevant to trends and new technologies. Thus, how could you ensure that your app remains relevant, engaging, and useful over time? The following are some pointers to assist you to keep your app up to date and helpful to users.

App Users Do Not Give Many Opportunities

The overall number of applications used by consumers hasn’t changed significantly throughout the years. Users don’t have time to try out a lot of new applications, so they’re narrowing the options and sticking to their favorites. According to a 2015 AI Intelligence research, US app users downloaded an estimate of 8.8 applications each month.

The typical consumer, on the other hand, spends around 70% of their time on their four favorite apps. According to Quetta statistics, a usual Android app sheds 77 percent of its active users during the first 4 days of installation. The figures grow worst when: the application loses 90% of its users within 30 days.

What causes this to happen? The more pressing concern is: how can organizations keep more of their customers and provide value to their lives? In the following post, we will go through those points in further detail.

Why Do Users Forget About the Applications They Install?

People abandon applications simply because they lose track of them. That is the easiest way to answer this problem. However, this is a complex subject with several aspects that require examination. How did they manage to forget? They make a point of checking their favorite applications. What are the shortcomings of these mediocre applications?

Let’s go through some specifics to more completely answer the question: why do individuals forget about the applications they’ve installed?

  1. It Crashes: If an application appears to be intriguing, it will be downloaded by a large number of people. If it collapses, you will lose all of them. Nobody likes to be a subject of a testing procedure. This is a rule: you must test and perfect the application before releasing the most stable update.


  1. Inadequate performance: Raise your hand if you enjoy slow applications! What? Nobody. That is precisely the reason why people give up using applications.


  1. Free Alternatives For Paid Applications: When contending with those other application developers in the same sector, you must provide greater value for your consumers’ money. If rivals provide comparable features at a cheaper price or for free, you will lose users.


  1. Excessive Advertising: When you develop a free public app, you rely on advertisements to generate revenue. However, these advertisements degrade the user experience. They slow down the program, and users become highly annoyed when they accidentally click on an advertisement. They have just one means of retaliation: the delete button.


  1. Registration Requirements: Certain applications need registration. However, for casual programs intended for everyday usage, the sign-up process is a source of annoyance. People are not interested in creating accounts for an app that provides 5-minute workout sessions, and they certainly are not interested in connecting it to their Facebook account. As a result, many individuals remove the applications immediately after downloading them, simply because they lack the patience required for the sign-up procedure.

These are just a handful of the numerous reasons why individuals lose track of their applications and uninstall them at some time. Is your application accused of any of the above? It is past time to take action.

Practical Tips: How to Keep Your Apps Updated and Valuable For Users

You dedicate a great deal of time and effort to a single objective: convincing people to download your app. However, you have a great deal of effort to do to attract and involve them. You will have to convert them into committed users who will spread the word about your software. Let us see how you may accomplish that.

Enhance the performance

Correct any flaws that result in crashes and continue to monitor the loading time. Users will not inquire as to why your application requires time to start; they will simply want to utilize it immediately. If it takes too long to work, its users will become frustrated and will delete it.

Before deploying your application, properly test it. Then, check the application’s performance and the responses of your users. Most of mobile app development companies in usa do so. Enhance whenever necessary.

Provide Users Appropriate Notifications

According to research published by Leanplum, incorporating push notifications in your approach is a verified retention method that may increase retention rates by 20%. The same study makes another critical point: customized push alerts result in a sevenfold increase in retention rates.

Nevertheless, you should not annoy consumers with an excessive number of alerts. You must provide them with a choice. Allow your users to select the alerts they wish to receive. Bear in mind that not all of them are identical. Some users of the Bible app like to get information about the status of their connections. Others believe that such alerts are superfluous.

Justify The Cost Of Your App

Many consumers uninstall applications when they discover free or less expensive alternatives. Suppose you find out that your rivals are offering comparable solutions at a lower price. In that case, you have two choices: reduce your pricing to retain existing customers and attract new ones, or emphasize the features that make your application worthwhile.

Conduct a thorough investigation of the competition. Install their applications on your smartphone and carefully evaluate them. Why would you want to pay for your application after experimenting with these? If required, expand your app’s functionality to provide a better value for the user’s investment.

Be Careful with Your Advertising

If you’re delivering a free application that must contain advertisements, the very least you can do is give your consumers an ad-free first experience. If a first-time user gives your application a try and sees how amazing it is, they are unlikely to notice the advertising. If users start the application for the first time and are greeted by a screen filled with advertisements, they will not regard this as a warm welcome.

If you choose to include advertisements in your app, be sure they are appropriate! If, for example, you’re delivering an app that assists users in maintaining a healthy diet, you don’t want advertising for fashion boutiques, the trendiest headphones, or other irrelevant products.

Resolve An Issue

Each successful application addresses a customer demand and resolves a problem. When building a mobile app strategy, it is prudent to think large. Consider the problem that your app will address for consumers and how it will assist them in simplifying their lives. Your application must be either unique or significantly advances on the idea of a competing app.

Your application must be purpose-driven and cater to the demands of your users. Avoid squandering money on pointless imitations that fall short of success. Rather than that, strive to establish a crystal clear vision for what you hope to accomplish with your app. If the app lacks a clear function or goal, it will become useless to users. Conduct research to determine possible pain points or obstacles of your customers. This provides insight into the sorts of issues that your mobile app may be built to address.

Emphasize On Core Features

The best apps usually accomplish a single task really well. Simple, targeted applications perform effectively because consumers dislike having their experience cluttered with extraneous features. Apps built with a single goal in mind may make the best use of available resources to offer only one thing your consumers want the most.

Concentrate on why you decided to develop an app in the first case. How is this concept distinct from those found in other applications? It begins with recognizing and comprehending the value your app provides, developing a key action, and compellingly completing and repeating it.

The most successful applications are those that accomplish their objectives better or differently than their competitors. If users request more features, they can be introduced to the app via future updates. This method enables you to provide a high-quality app more quickly and displays your commitment to continuous improvement.

Maintain Simplicity

The customer experience is critical to the growth of your application. Applications are by their very nature task-oriented and are used to streamline procedures. As a result, when it comes to mobile apps, less is more. Create a user interface that is easy to use and navigate depending on the design principles. Whatever functionality your application provides, the more straightforwardly it is provided, the better and more efficient it will be. Consider the following:

  • Are you simplifying your user’s life?
  • Is the app’s flow user-friendly?
  • Can consumers simply find out how to utilize your application without assistance?
  • Are these features going to be used? Are they essential?
  • Are these features simplifying or complicating the use of your app?

Finally, the application must be practical to use, simple to browse, and visually appealing. If consumers have to spend a significant amount of time understanding about using your application before they can derive benefit from it, they will frequently abandon it. If your app is simple, consumers will have no incentive to seek a competing app that is comparable.

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Cross-Platform Application Development

It is critical for the success of your application that your plan includes the two most prominent platforms, Android and iOS. One efficient method of accomplishing this is through the use of a cross-platform application development environment. Cross-platform app development solutions can help you save time and money by eliminating the need to build apps independently for each platform.

Make Offline Functionality Available

Clearly, the bulk of applications require access to the Internet. Although the Web is virtually ubiquitous, it is critical for your application to work properly offline. Offline accessibility to functions and content is a big benefit since it enables you to continue cultivating a good user experience, which is critical for the application’s success.

Personalize the Application

Personalization contributes to the humanization of the mobile experience by enabling the creation of really unique application experiences that promote customer engagement and retention. As per Epsilon, over 90% of users anticipate personalized interactions with companies. Personalization is something that app users want; interactions that are personalized to their choices, geography, and behavior.

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It is critical to utilize profile data insights obtained from user history in order to categorize and offer customized content to users. This, in effect, will improve your app’s customer experience, participation, and performance.

Establish a Feedback Channel

In-app communications are a frequent component of the most popular applications. A customer care portal that is easy to access and transparent may substantially boost the effectiveness. It is critical to establish a communication route for comments, ratings, and reviews. By enabling users to connect and seek assistance, you can dramatically reduce the likelihood of a poor user experience and increase app retention.

Not only that but including an easy-to-use feedback system inside the application promotes contact with the customer and aids in the prevention of public bad evaluations. To ensure true success, keep the procedure as simple and smooth as possible, with the fewest feasible stages and text input.

Maintain a Frequent Updating Schedule

Being prepared to adapt, learn, monitor, and respond rapidly to your users’ requirements is fundamental for app success in a fast-changing and developing market. To sustain a mobile app’s popularity over time, it must undergo continuous mobile app development and upgrades.

The sequence that customers follow while using your application will offer you information on not only whatever needs to be fixed in your program, but also which components are the most successful; what must be enhanced? Utilize feedback to construct additional features that are critical to your consumers’ experience with your application.

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