Systematix Infotech’s WhatsApp Bot Team is among the top 14 in “The Game of Bots – Hackathon”

What is hackathon - It is with great pleasure that Systematix Infotech announces that its team stands among the Top 14 shortlisted entries in “The Game of Bots”. This online chatbot hackathon event was organized by Yellow Messenger that offers the world’s first cognitive engagement cloud to build rich conversational experiences for customers and employees. 2000+participants submitted their entry for conversational AI chatbots. Systematix Infotech’s team participated and submitted the “Happy Family” Bot in this hackathon.
For the hackathon, the team selected a topic that is very close to the parenting community globally and is dynamic too. The topic was “Parenting”. The Parent-Child Relationship relationship lays the foundation for the child’s personality, life choices, and overall behavior. Parenting is a never-ending skill. Once you sign for it, there is no looking back. Some call it a warm feeling, some may describe it as a duty that nature has bestowed upon them, and for a few others, it is an accident ? but, most agree that modern-day parenting is highly challenging. It is no longer simply teaching the children what one has learned from their parents, but it is now about gathering the experience of many others who are trying to find the best fit for one’s child. On a broad consensus, the goal of parenting is to establish a positive, strong relationship with children to ensure their development and well-being.
As said “Change is the only constant!” and parenting is no exception to this rule. Parenting style and techniques have also evolved with the changing times. With these changes, parents at times are not able to understand what their children are going through. At times the parents think that their child is a problem, but that’s not true.
Parents who turn to the internet for help, find it bewildering. The simple English keyword “parenting” yields 385000000 results in less than 0.5 seconds. With such an amount of results, parents would often get confused about what they were actually looking for. it’s like finding a pin from a haystack
So the young team at Systematix Infotech conceptualized, designed, and developed this bot named “Happy Family”. The purpose is to provide solutions to parent’s challenges and how to deal with them. It helps to resolve the problems faced by the parents by analyzing the questions that they have answered. It helps to establish a healthy and positive parent-child relationship.
Systematix Infotech got an acheivement : Ruchika Narang Bot expert at Systematix Infotech, said, “When we dip dive into the concept, we found it is much more than just participating in the event. The team has worked on bots to support static and dynamic conversations related to Parenting. Static is to get a quick answer to your generic queries. In contrast, the dynamic conversation is more personal. It takes details about your family, your children. Do a survey based on children’s age and helps identify the area of improvement. Further to these, a parent can refer to the video library and can book a one-on-one video consultation with an expert.”
Sachin Gadia, Director – User experience, and Enterprise at Systematix Infotech said, “ My heartiest congratulations to the entire team. They have done a fantastic job of finding useful parenting information, segregating them, creating a survey, and a number of practical practices week on week to share and handhold with parents based on survey results.” He added, “The WhatsApp bot “Happy Family” is a combination of technology and emotions. This bot handhold with a parent in such a manner that it identifies the area of improvements and helps the parent to undergo a systematic approach to bring improvement in their children and relationship.”
Technology has made life simple but has made simple parenting more difficult. “Happy Family” bot takes the difficult out of parenting and leaves the parent and child to enjoy the never to return – childhood.
Global trends: People are increasingly turning to messaging apps to connect with businesses around the world. Recent studies say that over 88% of online customers expect to be served within 5 minutes. If we talk about whatsapp chat bot, WhatsApp bots are redefining business-to-customers conversations, bringing meaningful engagement, and faster conversation.
Explore chat bot for whatsapp solution with Systematix Infotech, how they transform your business conversation with your stakeholder real-time, 24X7, and 365 days.
Also read - 10 Essential Use Cases of WhatsApp Chatbot for eCommerce
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