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Systematix Infotech Cricket League Season 2

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    May 28, 2017
  • Last Modified on
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    January 27, 2025

Summer of 2017 witnessed another intoxicating season of SCL (Systematix Infotech Cricket League). The shot up craze as compared to its predecessor event, could be seen and felt throughout the season. Summers already sets the cricket mania in the country and SCL brought a new wave of it across Systematix held every Friday evening.

Systematix Infotech Cricket League Season 2

Spread over 6 weeks the tournament consisted of 24 teams contesting against each other in 24 matches. The event which ran across 5 rounds (culminating in finals in the 5th one) throughout witnessed a rising excitement.

Started on 14th April 2017, Round 1 began with the first 4 matches held between-

The Ground breakers VS Digital Ninja 2- The Ground breakers (winner)
Ballu Blasters VS Sales Warriors- Sales Warriors (winner)
Digital Ninja1 VS Bahubali- Digital Ninja1 (winner)
Fantastic 5 VS All Breakers- Fantastic 5 (winner)

21st and 28th April witnessed the concluding Round 1 between-

Ball Breakers VS Knockout Kings- Ball Breakers (winner)
V-Star VS Boom Boom 5- Boom Boom 5 (winner)
Hit & Run VS Game Changers- Game Changers (winner)
Network Warriors Vs EC Warriors- EC Warriors (winner)

Fireballs VS Rising Stars- Fireballs (winner)
ShriShri Sena VS Game Swingers- Game Swingers (winner)
The Balls Busters VS Zakar Makar REVAMP- The Ball Busters (winner)
Madss VS iSoch Strikers- iSoch Strikers (winner)

Round 2 was held in 2 parts- 05th & 12th May, encompassing 6 more matches of the prelim rounds-

Boom Boom 5 VS Game Changers- Boom Boom 5 (winner)
Ball Breakers VS EC Warriors- Ball Breakers (winner)
Fire Balls VS iSoch Strikers- iSoch Strikers (winner)

Round 2 was concluded with matches between-

The Groundbreakers VS Fantastic 5- Fantastic 5 (winner)
Digital Ninja1 VS Sales Warriors-  Digital Ninja1 (winner)
Game Swingers VS The Ball Busters- The Ball Busters (winner)

Round 3, the quarterfinals were held on 19th May among the winners of first 2 rounds.

Fantastic 5 VS The Ball Busters- The Ball Busters (winner)
Ball Breakers VS Boom Boom 5- Ball Breakers (winner)
iSoch Strikers VS Digital Ninja1- Digital Ninja1 (winner)

There was a surprise twist announced just 2 days before the semi finals. Out of the 21 teams who were out of the knockout, 1 team was given a wildcard entry giving it one more chance to win the tournament. The Game Changers was the lucky team among all to get in the semifinals. Semi finals were held on 25th May between-

Digital Ninja1 VS The Ball Busters
Ball Breakers VS The Game Changers

The winner from the first match was Digital Ninja1 and the from the other match was Ball Breakers. There was another twist- Another match was played between the runner-up of the first semi final match- The Ball Busters VS The winner of the second semi final match- Ball Breakers.

Finally The Ball Busters won and the 2 heavy weights faced each other in the finals.

The day came for finals which held on 26th May 2017.

Digital Ninja 1 VS The Ball Busters

Despite the heat of May, the people in the basement were enthusiastic. As the norm, National Anthem was played out before starting the final match between- Digital Ninja1 and The Ball Busters. Mr. Sunil Rawat’s presence brightened the moment for players as well as the spectators. He was seen later trying a hand at batting sharing a lighter moment with the players. The match was of 20 overs as opposed to the 10 overs matches held all through the tournament. The excitement has just gone too much in second inning after refreshment break. Hall got Eco with clapping and commentary on each ball made it full of laughter. The match stretched to good 2 hours and after the nail biting and edge of chair excitement the team which came out with the flying colors and the undisputed winner of the tournament SCL season 2 was- The Ball Busters.

The whole Systematix family is now looking forward for SCL season 3 which would be held in Summer 2018 and hoping the excitement and fun would snowball next year!

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