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How to Plan & Execute Effective 'Welcome' Emails for your eCommerce Website

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    November 1, 2016
How to Plan & Execute Effective 'Welcome' Emails for your eCommerce Website

One of the most used and important trends of the online retailers is to send welcome emails to their new subscribers. This is the first email sent to the new customers in a friendly way. This email sets a tone for the future communication with your new customer or subscriber. It also let the customers know how you will connect with them and when. Not only that, it also encourages the new members of the e-commerce business to engage with them. The welcome email best practices when it is written in the right and effective way. So, how to write an effective welcome email for your subscribers.

What Is This Welcome Email For?

How write professional email - The name “welcome email” is or professional emails quite self-explanatory. This is triggered when someone subscribes to the newsletter of any retail store online or even when they create a new account for themselves. This is a great opportunity for the e-commerce business to create a great first impression on the mind of the new subscribers or customers about their business. According to the statistics, about 74.4% of the customers expect a welcome email as a confirmation when they subscribe or create an account. People will love to open an amazing e-commerce welcome email. And people who read at least one welcome email will read approximately 40% of all the emails sent by the same brand.

Importance of Welcome Email

How to send a professional email - When a person subscribes or opens a new account, sending him/her an effective welcome email will definitely help to create a great impression in the mind of the customers. Besides that, there are many more benefits and the importance of this welcome email. These emails can bring about 320% more than that of the other promotional emails sent by the
same brand.

The elements of user experience is important. It enhances the user experience by creating an effective personalized email. Also, it has a great open rate record which is about 50 percent to 86 percent more than that of the promotional emails.

Besides, just “Hello, there!” and “Hi” there is much more importance of this welcome emails. It helps to set an expectation for the subscribers. Through this mail, they are informed and told about how often they
will be contacted. Thus it reduces the chance of getting unsubscribed by any new subscribers.

You can encourage the subscribers to connect with you on other channels and different networking site to get more detailed information about offers and others.

Making strong first impression through welcome email series and encourage subscribers to get back into the store.

Planning & Execution of Effective Welcome Emails

Ways to start an email - Welcome series email best practices are done through a lot of planning and execution of those plans. Brilliant eCommerce welcome emails need a lot of attention and planning. Without that, one cannot simply create the best impression. So, here are some of the steps for planning:

Step 1: When you have to plan for welcome email first and foremost important thing that you need to decide on is the key actions that you want your customers to take. Since this is an eCommerce website, you have to make sure that you get enough online customers. And for ensuring that people are visiting your website and buying some. You need to focus on certain key functions. These are “shop now”, “update the subscription preferences”, “use code to avail offer”, “follow us on social accounts”, “what to expect from our emails” etc. Welcome emails are beneficials in ecommerce marketing.

Step 2: Next step is to decide on your campaign structure. You have to decide how to arrange the emails that you are going to send. Junk emails and improper planning can result into unsubscribing. The main thing that an e-commerce business has to keep in mind that the most authentic and best way to keep in touch with their existing customers and subscribers is email. Hence the emails have to be well planned. The email which has a call to action such as “Shop now with coupon code and avail discount” will make more sense and evoke interest than “Read our latest blog posts”. Choosing the right arrangement for sending emails avoid information overload and annoying the customers.

Step 3: An effective welcome email for e-commerce stores for every different type of group is a great plan. Thus, segmenting the welcome campaign properly. You can choose different welcome emails for the new newsletter subscribers and different ones for the first-time purchasers as well as for the first-time buyers who have already subscribed before. This will make it more personalized and people can relate to the email more.

Step 4: Give special attention to the timing. It matters a lot when the subscribers or customers are getting the mail. It should be frequent but smooth. Sending emails daily or even more than one mail every day can be quite annoying and disturbing. So, plan the timing to send the emails. It is important that your emails will encourage the customer to visit your website and buy some products.

Step 5: Smart email workflow is very important for an e-commerce business. When a person gets an email which is not relevant then it can be irritating to them.

For example: if a customer has already made their first purchase and avail the discount, they do not get the same email to claim the discount using that same code. It is better to turn off that email and make sure they do not receive any email related to that code. This will set up a smart email workflow for your eCommerce websit and will be helpful in email marketing for ecommerce.

Step 6: Last and the most important step is testing. To make sure that all the plans are executed properly it is better to test. You have to test everything starting from the call to actions to the number of emails to send that particular email. All these things will help you to execute the plan completely.

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Make sure the automated e-commerce email optimization is done in such a way that they subscribers and buyers can relate to it. It should be informative, attractive and does not sound like a robot. Producing effective welcome emails can be highly beneficial for your business. In our upcoming email we will explain how to respond to welcome email.

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