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Perception vs. Reality of Low-Code Development

Perception vs. Reality of Low-Code Development

Ever feel like you're trying to build a skyscraper with a toy hammer? That's what running a business without Low Code/No Code solutions is like! Let's upgrade your toolbox, shall we?

Perception vs. Reality of Low-Code Development

The rate at which low-code development is expediting the digital transformation is crazy. It is not only encouraging businesses to quickly adapt to digitalization but also saving costs and resources for rapid software development. Thus, low-code has upgraded from merely becoming a choice to a NECESSITY for businesses who want to quickly embrace digital edge.

84% of businesses have already adopted this new approach, but there are still many who are not confident with low-code either due to a lack of awareness or perceptions surrounding it.

In this blog, we are unfolding the reality and helping businesses smoothly embrace low-code without any doubt.

Perception #1: Low-Code Restricts Customization and Flexibility  

Many businesses that seek large-scale applications or software believe that low-code platforms are not flexible enough to meet their niche-specific or unique requirements. 

Reality #1: Low-Code Platforms Are Highly Flexible  

While it's true that some early low-code platforms had limitations in terms of customization, the technology has evolved significantly in recent years. Modern low-code platforms such as Zoho Creator, OutSystems, and Mendix are highly flexible and known for their extensive customization capabilities, allowing developers and users to build complex applications that meet specific needs of businesses. 

Here are some ways in which these platforms demonstrate flexibility and customization:

  • Extensibility through Custom Code: Many low-code platforms now allow developers to write custom code in common programming languages such as JavaScript, Java, or Python. 
  • Custom User Interface: Low-code platforms usually come with pre-built UI components and templates, but they also allow developers to design custom user interfaces. This customization ensures that the application's look and feel align with specific branding or user experience requirements.
  • Advanced Logic and Business Rules: Low-code platforms offer powerful logic-building capabilities, such as decision tables, workflows, and business rule engines. This allows developers to implement complex business processes and rules, tailoring the application to the unique needs of the organization.
  • Scalability and Cloud Deployment: Not just development, low-code offers flexible deployment options as well that include cloud hosting and on-premises installations. 

Perception #2: Legacy Systems and Low-Code Don’t Go Hand in Hand

Businesses with a significant investment in legacy systems may be hesitant to adopt low-code, wondering if the platform can effectively support integration with their existing technology. This could be due to differences in APIs, protocols, and data formats which make them believe that replacing legacy systems would be the only way to adopt low code, ultimately increasing the overall cost of adoption. However, the reality is opposite.

Reality #2: Legacy System Integration is Fast and Smooth in Low-Code  

Integration of legacy systems with low-code development is not at all challenging. In fact, system integration is faster and smoother than before with modern low-code platforms. They have a rich set of APIs and connectors that facilitate easy integration with various external systems, including legacy applications. These connectors act as intermediaries, enabling low-code applications to communicate and exchange data with the legacy systems.

As far as standard protocols and data formats are concerned, they support SOAP, REST, XML, or JSON which are commonly used in legacy systems.

To further extend the integration capabilities of low code, these platforms have pre-built components which simplify the modernization of legacy systems. And if a pre-built connector is not available for a specific legacy system, there is also an option to write custom code for integration.

Not just integration, low-code platforms also ensure the smooth flow of data between the systems. They can perform data exchange in both, real-time for immediate synchronization of crucial data as well as batch integration of non-critical data. As a result, the data stays accurate and available when and where it’s needed most.

Perception #3: They Cannot Handle Large and Complex Projects

About 47% of businesses think that low code is only good for developing small and simple applications. They cannot handle the high-performance requirements and scalability needs of large and complex projects that require extensive customization and coding. They perceive it as limitation of low-code which can lead to performance issues in their applications.

This perception has stemmed from the early days of low-code development when the platforms were relatively new and not as mature as they are now.

Reality #3: Developing Complex Projects is Possible in Low-Code

Modern low-code platforms have come a long way and are now capable of handling large-scale and complex projects more effectively than ever before. They offer several features and capabilities that address the concerns that businesses may have had in the past. Here's how these platforms have evolved to become suitable for large-scale and complex low-code projects:

  • Scalable Low-Code Apps: Many platforms leverage cloud infrastructure, auto-scaling capabilities, and optimize code generation to handle high-demand and resource-intensive applications. Additionally, they provide caching mechanisms, database optimization, and load balancing to ensure smooth and responsive user experiences.
  • Custom Code for Complex Apps: While low-code platforms offer visual development and pre-built components for faster development, they also allow developers to write custom code for complex functionalities or components of their projects. 
  • Control the Code: Advanced low-code platforms now allow developers to see and edit the underlying code when required. This allows developers to control specific aspects of the application and handle complex scenarios that may not be directly supported by the visual development interface. Businesses can thus strike a balance between low-code efficiency and fine-grained control.

Perception #4: Poor Data Security

There are lingering concerns about the security of low-code applications. Some business owners are worried that this simplicity of the development process might inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities, leading to potential data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Business owners, especially those operating in heavily regulated industries such as finance and healthcare, are even more hesitant to adopt low-code. They doubt that these platforms would not be able to handle sensitive data and meet the required compliance standards.

Reality #4: Low-Code is 100% Secure

The truth is even the most basic low-code platforms are secure. However, not each platform offers same level of security. The platforms automatically apply a huge list of risk and security controls to the applications built on it.

From OWASP Top 10 web application risks to mobile threats, it protects the app data from all the evolving security risks. Apart from this, it is compliant with GDPR, HIPAA, SOC2, TISAX, and many more industry standards. 

Reality on few critical aspects

  • Time-saving: Imagine if you could fast-forward your business processes like skipping ads on a video. That's the magic of Low Code/No Code solutions! It's like having a time machine for your business.
  • Ease of implementation: Worried about the techy stuff? Fear not! Implementing Low Code/No Code solutions is as easy as pie. And who doesn't love pie?
  • Efficiency-boosting: Imagine your business operations running as smoothly as a well-oiled machine. That's the efficiency boost you get with Low Code/No Code solutions! It's like having a personal assistant for your business processes.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Think Low Code/No Code solutions will burn a hole in your pocket? Think again! It's like buying a luxury car at the price of a bicycle.
  • Scalability: Worried about outgrowing your tech solutions? With Low Code/No Code, you can scale as high as your dreams! It's like having an elevator that never stops going up. 
  • Flexibility: Low Code/No Code solutions are like playdough for your business. You can mould and shape them to fit your unique needs. Who knew business could be this fun?


Low code is not a limitation for the business growth and success rather it is a blessing accelerating the digital transformation journey in various ways. From faster time-to-market and enhanced collaboration to most importantly lower total cost of ownership and increased agility, low-code platforms offer a game-changing approach to software development. Low-code is undoubtedly playing a substantial role in empowering businesses and driving innovation in the digital age. So, it’s the right time to rise above the misconceptions surrounding low-code and take a step forward to it.

Having delivered variety of software solutions on low-code, Softude is geared to guide you through every step of your low-code journey. Feel free to reach out to our experts for further assistance or to discuss your specific requirements. Together, we can make low code adoption a resounding success!

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