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2nd Town Hall Meeting: An Evening To Remember

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    January 16, 2017
2nd Town Hall Meeting: An Evening To Remember

In the second Town Hall Meeting that was held on 30th December 2016, team members witnessed a thorough delight! The event commenced with everyone singing ‘Itni Shakti Hume Dena Daataa’, as an anthem of power and dedication. Right after this, the team recited the pledge on Vision, Mission, and Values of Systematix.

What made the meeting so special was that even the Bhopal team came down to Indore, to be a part of the second Town Hall Meeting. The meeting simply strengthened the bridge between the team and the transparency of the company! Next, different members of the team performed skits based on the values of Systematix, i.e. Care, Commitment, Quality, and Transparency. The skits beautifully depicted how important the whole team is for Systematix. The skits also sent out the message loud that the team does, what it says, what it commits and gives out the best results! The award ceremony background was full of joy.

The next agenda of the evening was the award ceremony. Award for excellence - Members who excelled were appreciated with excellence awards. Here’s the list of team members who grabbed awards:

  1. Systematix Excellence Award – Vaibhav Jain
  2. Systematix Calmer of Storms Award – Ravi Shanker, Ajay Kurmi, Divya Mawar, Menka Dubey,
  3. Systematix-Chief Closer Award – Arun Aghi,
  4. Systematix-Potential Power Award – ADDCO Team, Sunil Godhwani
  5. Systematix-Side Click Salute Award – Priya Tiwari, Swati Jainto, Sunanda
  6. Systematix Power Words Award – Kapil Chhabra
  7. Systematix Influencer Award– Aman Gupta, Krishna Kant Batham, Abhilab Das
  8. Systematix Client Service Award – Gaurav Panchal9.
  9. Systematix Living with Values Award – iSoch Team, Special 14 TEAM

Our Next Awards are special Recognition Awards.

  1. Protection Pal Award – Ganesh Bhaiya
  2. Delivery Don Award – Om Solanki
  3. Master Chef Award – Kamlesh Dindore

A special appreciation was provided to teams who performed excellently in their tasks. The teams were:

  • Team: Infinity
  • Team: Mavo
  • Team: BFME
  • Team: SendFile
  • Team: 3 Degree North
  • Team: SSM

Right after the award ceremony, special efforts and support of the team member, Manish Jaiswal, who turns out to be an important part of the team and IT support, were appreciated. He has been one member who never gave any requirement a second thought so that none of the projects get hampered.

After the award ceremony, Town Hall witnessed beaming smiles on everyone’s face and the ceremony was then followed by a dinner and a collective dance.

Also read - Town Hall Meeting- A Step Towards Transparency

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