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2018’s First THM: A New Beginning

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    January 13, 2018
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2018’s First THM: A New Beginning

The new year was all set to begin, people were busy thinking about their personal new year’s resolutions for the year, but it was time now, for the Systematix family to not only celebrate the new year but also witness the new beginning with their 2018’s first THM.

2018’s first THM held on 05th January was a north star—that took everyone aboard for the journey ahead. Our CEO Mr. Sunil Rawat (popularly known as SR) steered us through the paradigm shift that Systematix as an organization will be undergoing in the near future.

The THM started sharp at 6 with various presentations from the Executive Committee.

Mr. Krishna Solanki who heads IoT and Big Data started off with a briefing about the EC office turning fully-functional. He later shared the ‘Smart Bin’ project demo which is an IoT-based project which notifies the authorities about the empty/fill status of garbage bins.

Mr. Ashish Mahajan, CMO briefed about the projects successfully bagged in the year 2017 with brands like GSK, Mahindra Finance, Mahyco and other key accounts. He also shared the glorious achievements of the sales team.

If we talk about Engineering achievements - The event was taken ahead by the CTO—Mr. Sachin Gadhia, who gave an overall picture and insights of key accounts and achievements of the Engineering department. He also enlightened us with some amazing numbers like- resource allocation ratio, bonus earned and percentage of repeat business.

Mrs. Vinita Pariyani, head of the Digital Marketing team presented the facts and figures of the business from the Digital Marketing team—revenue contribution of the department, team size ratio, and repeat business percentage. She also introduced the recent initiative—Learn360.

Mr. Ajay Bhoraskar, the Director, focused on the misses of 2017 which were vowed by the team to be transformed into achievements in the year 2018.

And finally, the stage was held by the CEO—Mr. Sunil Rawat, who shared the road map of the year 2018 and the future. He emphasized on the much-needed transformation in the approach, mindset, and technology to pace up with the future. He told ‘how’ of the transformation which was-

Emerging Technologies-

What is emerging technology - If we talk about Emerging Technologies - Adopting new and unfolding technologies.

Industry’s Best Practices-

To become a true multinational, he talked about the best practices to be inculcated in the system.

Go to Market Strategy-

Changing the way of doing business by altering it to a new strategy- go to market.

Product Innovation-

Product Innovation - and last but not the least, focus on product innovation.

A major change that Systematix is undergoing is revising the Vision and Mission Statements. Mr. Sunil Rawat unveiled the new Vision of the company-

To become a GLOBAL SOLUTION provider, leveraging technology.”

This was followed by the New Mission Statement which is-

Developing an environment that fosters the growth of all stakeholders; Customer, Team, and Company.”

An appendage to the Company’s mission statement was empowering every department and function with a separate mission statement which would be a distinct guiding light for each one of them; Human Resource, Engineering, Sales, Customer Delight Division, Digital Marketing, QA, and Finance.

Later Mr. Ajay Bhoraskar introduced the new roles who would be holding new positions to strengthen the management.

Mr. Kapil Khandelwal Sr. Product Manager
Mr. Tanmay Rawat CTO (new technologies)
Mr. C.P. Singh Chief Technical Architect
Mr. Rohit Mandiwal Associate Project Manager

If we talk about award function finally, the moment came, which is eagerly awaited in every THM; the Systematix Awards. The awards were sorted under 19 categories; 17 were individual awards and 2 were for best teams.


The next THM is eagerly awaited, as Systematix is on a never before the threshold of big transformation which would be a stepping stone that would catapult Systematics in the future.
Also, read - Systematix Infotech: Marking 15 Years of Excellence

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