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12 Strong and Compelling Reasons Why Low-Code is the Future of Application Development

12 Strong and Compelling Reasons Why Low-Code is the Future of Application Development

The increased competition in the market has made businesses to make some tough choices to stay on the top. However, with this increased competition, the choices are limited for businesses. But one the cost-effective solution is partnering with an application development company to create a robust and cutting-edge software.

However, starting from scratch and passing through various stages, such as creating an MVP, then building the final product. This process is undoubtedly time consuming. So, how can businesses fulfill their needs? How they can avoid this lengthy process of creating a cutting-edge solution. The simple answer for this is "low code application development." As a reader, you must be curious about this term. What does this term mean? What future holds for low-code platforms? So, without further ado, let's look at the answers to all these questions. But first, we will discuss the basics of low code development.

What is Low Code Development?

Generally, low-code software development is the process of creating applications with least code. With little to no coding, low code platforms enable the developers to develop applications as quickly as possible.

Organizations can automate every step of the software development lifecycle with low-code approach. This approach is gaining popularity in businesses for creating robust and future-ready solutions. This is also defined as a visual approach for developing software with an optimized development process.

Moving to our main question; let us now discuss why low-code will dominate the app development market in upcoming years.

12 Compelling Reasons Why Low-Code is the Future of Application Development

Undoubtedly, the above trends show how low code will dominate the app development market in the upcoming years. Businesses are leveraging the benefits offered by low code or no code application development. As a business, what benefits can you grasp from low-code platforms? Let's dive in.

Lower the IT Cost

Let's be frank here – as we all know; software development is quite a lengthy process as expensive. And for companies with no in-house software development team, the cost of software development is disproportionately high.

However, with a low-code approach, organizations have the option to reduce this cost substantially. As discussed above, this approach is much faster than traditional software development.

All businesses must do is find a low-code development platform to help with the development needs. With low code development approach; the need to have a complete in-house software development team is eliminated. This not only helps reduce the development cost but also saves organizations the time invested in the development process. Hence, reducing the overall app development costs.

Increased Productivity and Connectivity

Low-code platforms enable businesses to centralize their IT needs by creating software solutions that cater to their needs. Hence, the chances of having difficulties during the development phase are reduced. They can customize the application features and platform support as per their needs without asking for help from developers. However, if needed, they can consult with the technical department to ensure better functionality of the application.

Low-Code is Cloud Friendly

One cool thing about low-code platforms is that most of the media are natively located in the cloud. Or the can be migrated to the cloud. With this feature, companies are open to quickly changing the way of developing and managing business applications. Moreover, this also makes these low-code platforms future-proof. The fact cannot be denied that the cloud’s prevalence will grow rapidly in upcoming years.

As per Foundry, around 81% of organizations have already integrated cloud systems in their business environment, and almost 32% of the total IT budget will be spent on cloud computing services. So, with a low-code approach, you can ensure and prepare your company for future needs.

Enhanced Accessibility

With a less comp0lex software, less bandwidth and space is required for downloading and installation. This is good for people living in rural areas where internet access is not as stable as in developed regions.

Low code app development is quite easy as compared to traditional methods. They can be launched into the market in comparatively lesser time at a lower price or even for free. This helps businesses to generate more revenue as quickly as possible. Comparatively, low code application development process is quick then traditional methods.

More Automation in Lesser Time

Low-code platforms integrated with the right DevOps tools can help accelerate the development speed. This can automate end-to-end business tasks and processes. Workflow automations can be created per IT business events. Also various templates can be designed to develop new strategies quickly. On the other hand, multiple variables and flow controls can be used for managing data across platforms. Also, prebuilt APIs make it possible to automate digital business processes virtually.

Greater Productivity

As discussed above, a low-code approach can help automate internal business processes; organizations can accomplish more in less time. Businesses can reduce the time required to re-route processes to prevent bottlenecks and delays with low-code development. Low-code platforms offer various tools to simplify the app development process. This includes monitoring capabilities that notify organizations of any chance of process failure.

Faster Transformation

The pandemic restrictions forced businesses to make some tough decisions. Hence, low-code software development has turned out to be a blessing in disguise for most start-ups as well as large organizations. This approach has not only helped businesses create a digital platform for their services and products. But they also have the option to expand their reach with faster transformation.

Using Internal Resources

Low-code platforms have made it easier for users to develop applications with an easy-to-use and intuitive design interface. This eliminates the need to do extensive coding or have extensive programming knowledge.

Organizations can avoid outsourcing software development companies. The can assign the tasks to in-house individuals who have little knowledge of using low-code development platforms. With this problem-solving approach and the creativity in developing applications, organizations can ensure maximum use of their internal resources.

Enterprise-Wide Efficiencies

By using low-code development tools, developers are more inclined on focusing in integrating new features and functionalities. This eliminates the need to spend too much time on underlying functionality basics. Businesses do not have to anymore depend on hiring expensive skilled developers to manager internal business processes and data.  Moreover, the need to hire developers to constantly upgrade the software, frameworks, or any underlying technology.

Support for Innovation

With user-centric techniques offered by low-code tools, organizations have the option to test their idea.  By launching a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in the market before launching the final product; business can gather customer feedback and market performance data. Hence enterprises have the option to quickly set their foot in the market to innovate on a broader reach.

Advanced Digital Transformation

A successful digital transformation strategy helps you to overcome legacy systems and embrace future-ready tech capabilities for your business. Hence, low code speeds the digitization process as the broader reach of audiences has access to cutting-edge technology. Your workforce has to search for inventive methods that support this technology.

Developers can use the handful 0f resources offered by low-code applications for managing high-end products. As a result, businesses can easily keep pace with the momentum of the digital transformation journey.

Reduced CapEx/OpEx

Traditionally, purchasing new software for business needs is quicker than developing an in-house solution. But with the arrival of low-code development platforms, the dynamics have changed. Instead of purchasing software and coordinating it into the business environment as per the needs; IT can use low-code development platform to quickly assemble a solution. Similarly, businesses can create solutions in less time with far fewer resources. Now they not have to spend weeks researching, writing, and testing new scripts.

The Key Takeaway

If we look a decade back, we could see how the adoption of advanced technologies helped businesses to mark their success journey. The restrictions imposed due to the pandemic helped enterprises to leave their comfort zone and discover many new growth opportunities. However, most embraced the low code digital transformation approach to stay on edge in this growing competition.

In the future, and even now, the low-code development approach is opening new opportunities. The software development sector is innovating in this digitally growing world with low code development.  So, low code development is the best approach if you want to expand your business. Consult with a certified low-code app development company to leverage the benefits discussed above in this article.

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