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Enterprise Application Development Challenges and How to Overcome Them?

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    August 20, 2021
Enterprise Application Development Challenges and How to Overcome Them?

When your workforce uses enterprise applications, you may get an additional 240 working hours each year. That’s why 35% of businesses actively promote business applications. It’s also why you are probably reading our blog on business application development. You are not alone in this! Today, an increasing number of organizations are relying on enterprise applications. Whether it’s to increase productivity, streamline procedures, or engage staff.

What is Enterprise Application Development?

Enterprise Application Development (EAD) is a time-consuming process that involves the creation of applications for commercial objectives. They are sophisticated, tailored to meet essential business requirements, and may be implemented in the cloud or on a variety of technologies across enterprise networks. To design and create large business applications, thousands of distinct criteria must be satisfied.

Mobile optimization should be a part of enterprise application development. According to Statista, there will be around 6 billion mobile users globally by 2021. That is why mobile development is critical. It boosts productivity by giving critical information on the go. There are three primary techniques for developing Enterprise Mobility Solutions:

  • Third-Party Mobile Applications – Pre-built solutions by Mobile App Development Services are an efficient method to quickly deploy corporate applications in your organization. They do, however, provide limited functionality that does not address specific business requirements. Moreover, it may be challenging to integrate such apps with sophisticated and proprietary business systems.


  • Integrated Application Development Services – This technique entails the firm utilizing off-the-shelf solutions but customizing their functionality to meet specific business requirements. Engineers may access a range of mobile services through a number of apps and platforms.


  • Custom Enterprise Application Development  – The organization may design a one-of-a-kind enterprise application to meet specific business requirements and objectives. Custom solutions provide you greater freedom in terms of functionality, style, and application logic, as well as a competitive edge.

Read the blog- Cost and Features to Develop Employee Tracking App Development

Organizations may enhance their business operations by using the third strategy listed above, Custom Enterprise Application Development. These applications have numerous significant benefits over the competition, since they may expedite the job process and generate income.

However, during the enterprise application development process, you’ll be required to fulfill a large number of criteria and goals, all while juggling the demands of many stakeholders. As a result, there will be a considerable amount of challenges that you need to overcome. In this blog, we will guide you through all those challenges and will give you the solution to conquer them effectively.

Types of Enterprise Applications

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Numerous businesses manage customer databases, handle transactions, and do other regular tasks that result in practically no information moving across systems. As a result, you may receive data late or with errors. Thus, rapid information sharing is likely what any business needs for highly critical decision-making in order to please customers. This is when ERP comes into play. An enterprise application development team’s goal is to create a single database that reduces and resolves issues, allowing all departments to access data even if it is inputted just once.

Enterprise application developers create ERP systems to maintain a comprehensive picture of the customer base, streamline numerous procedures, and simplify activities across many departments.

Customer Relationships Management (CRM)

Customer connections bind marketing and sales together. Meanwhile, human specialists are unable to monitor every transaction, possibility, and customer. Furthermore, sales staff may overlook certain critical things. Here is where enterprise application development can assist you in staying connected.

What you want is a robust CRM capable of recording all aspects of client interactions. With the right system in place, you can view and manage all of your contacts in one location. This type of application provides any customer-related information and details the communications networks that have been used for interacting with customers (for example chat or phone calls). Some of the useful features of CRM include the following:

  • Invoicing.
  • Management of tasks.
  • Administrators can create customized reports.
  • Modules tailored to the specific requirements of different organizations.
  • Integrations of financial and accounting systems.
  • Facebook Messenger (FB) chatbot.
  • Email integration.

Business Intelligence (BI)

Organizations should monitor and evaluate data from a variety of sources, including HR, sales, and advertising. It may take some time to manually assess data in the absence of technologies such as business intelligence (BI) – another byproduct of enterprise application development. Business intelligence applications provide more-or-less accurate forecasts as a result of embedded intelligent machine learning and statistical processing.

The results are presented visually in the form of charts and graphs. They should be interpreted by experts to aid in future decision-making. These techniques are often utilized in sectors such as IT, HR, Healthcare, and others.

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Certain businesses undervalue the importance of human resources. Recruiting talent is rarely a simple task, much more so when the candidate pool is large. Recruiters may save time and effort while increasing efficiency by utilizing specialized human resource management solutions. They assist with more than just pay estimation and employment. Furthermore, these applications aid in work planning and administration, performance evaluation, motivational programs, coaching, and retention, among other functions.

HR automation saves professionals time by eliminating the need to visit thousands of websites. They can, for example, search for relevant applications or job profiles using the job vacancy’s unique keywords. Intelligent human resource technologies expedite the process of developing job descriptions.

Benefits of Enterprise Application Development For Your Business

According to market analysis, enterprise application investment will more than double to USD 120 billion by 2021, up from USD 50 billion in 2016. This estimate reflects a compound annual growth rate of more than 15% and demonstrates the rising relevance of business software solutions. As a businessman, you may use enterprise applications to automate essential operations, increase efficiency, boost productivity, and provide a high rate of return over time. The following are some reasons to choose enterprise applications for your firm:

#1 Boost Productivity

This is the significant benefit of custom corporate software solutions. An application is critical for enabling efficient connection across divisions as well as between your business and its consumers. Communication is critical to your business’s efficiency, and corporate applications may help boost productivity by guaranteeing continuous communication.

Enterprise applications provide workplace mobility. It enables improved cooperation, higher throughput, and process simplification. Employees can better communicate with each other and manage many jobs and projects. Furthermore, they may access sensitive company data when offline, thanks to Mobile App Development Services.

Moreover, Enterprise Applications add flexibility to the system. Through mobile applications, your workers may easily improve their job performance while on the go.

#2 Save Time and Effort

Another remarkable aspect of workplace applications is that they may help your staff save significant amounts of time and effort. By using feature-rich business applications, it’s simple to do daily activities and respond to client inquiries at any time. Allow us to illustrate this with a quick example. How about viewing your laptop or desktop’s information while you’re on the go? For this, you need to carry your gadgets everywhere you go. However, this is pretty inconvenient, isn’t it? Now consider the same scenario with regard to your workers.

Simply said, enterprise applications may save valuable time by utilizing cloud technologies to access and share data. No need to return to your workstation in order to view company data. Furthermore, real-time report production and exchange of reports with colleagues and clients will significantly improve your business processes.

#3 Cost Savings

There is a specialized application for each industry sector and department. A Mobile App Development Company may include developments in new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and augmented reality into the business application to increase profitability value and customer service. An enterprise application is meant to automate repetitive operations, resulting in significant cost savings over time.

Since you can utilize an enterprise application to engage employees and promote your brand, it may stay cost-efficient. Rewards, gamification, and alerts may all be used as efficient marketing tools, and you can easily conduct a marketing campaign using a specialized mobile application. In summary, a business app may help you save money on operational and marketing expenses.

#4 Automate Tasks

Over time, repetitive and monotonous activities reduce your employees’ efficiency. They just avoid such activities, which increases the likelihood of staying late and compromising on quality. An iPhone app development company can automate these activities, allowing your workers to focus on more critical and productive duties.

Moreover, an enterprise application lets you decrease paperwork, which saves you valuable time. You may consult a mobile app development company about adding chatbots into your application to increase its interactivity and to provide 24/7 support for your clients’ inquiries.

#5 Modify Operations

Digitalization has become a need for businesses to survive and prosper in today’s highly competitive environment. As competition intensifies, you must modernize outdated procedures to ensure that you are prepared for future trends. A business application can aid you in changing the way you operate and transforming critical procedures.

Advances in AI, machine learning, and other technologies may make it feasible to complete projects on schedule while maintaining the highest possible degree of staff productivity. As a consequence, you may get a great ROI in a short span of time and remain competitive.

Challenges and Solutions To Enterprise Application Development-

Adapting to Changing Business Requirements and Environment

It’s difficult to conceive a firm that is consistently steady. Certain adjustments are sure to occur as a result of product upgrades or the introduction of new goods. Also, new employees have an effect on how the business runs.

Solution: It is critical to be both flexible and adaptable during the business application development process. Analyze the various adjustments that may be made to your project. Mention them throughout the enterprise application development process so that a developer may incorporate the necessary functionality. Bear in mind that preparing for failure might be beneficial at times!

Determining the Return on Your Investment

As per IBM Services, 65% of IT industry leaders get a high ROI in less than a year when they adopt and implement an effective mobile application. This indicates that 35% do not. So what is the matter?

Solution: To cover your costs, establish the most critical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These are quantifiable metrics that indicate if a firm is effectively fulfilling its objectives. While high-level KPIs are concerned with overall performance, low-level KPIs are primarily concerned with specific teams and their objectives (HR, Finance, Sales). By emphasizing KPIs at all stages, you can ensure high ROI.

Ensuring Safety and Security

Privacy and data security are critical components of developing corporate mobile applications. As new features are integrated into business operations, innovative safety precautions are required. With each app incorporation, protecting business data gets increasingly difficult.

Numerous companies suffer a damaged image or even go bankrupt as a result of cyberattacks. To avoid them, ensure the following:

  • All data is encrypted.
  • Instruments for detecting hacking are in place.
  • Anti-malware and authentication measures are implemented.
  • Data is adequately backed up.
  • Confidential information is confined and safeguarded.

The enterprise application developers should ensure that each of these requirements is met. Moreover, you may require the assistance of additional IT specialists.

Solution: A skilled programmer will be able to resolve issues in a matter of minutes. He will have no difficulty setting up and activating the essential protective features, as well as inspecting the systems to rule out any possibility of cyberattacks.

Scalability Requirements

Enterprise application development’s primary advantage is scalability. Businesses should avoid employing too many technologies concurrently, as this increases their reliance on third-party suppliers. Rather than mixing existing solutions, attempt to create your own.

Solution: Ensure your Enterprise Mobility Solutions offer services tailored to your business’s unique requirements depending on your short- and long-term objectives. These products should be compatible with any other tools you may already be using. It enables a great degree of scalability.

Large-Scale Data Processing and Storage

It is not sufficient to acquire data; your business must also analyze it in order to draw specific conclusions. Another consideration is how to store those bits of data. There are two methods: in the cloud or offline.

The first one refers to data storage on third-party servers. But the problem is anybody with an authorization key can uncover such content online. The business does not retain complete control over the data stored in the cloud. When data is saved locally, it is hosted on the organization’s own servers. It is more expensive but more secure.

Solution: Your business should select a solution that meets its requirements. The majority of businesses choose trusted and secured cloud-based data storage due to its increased mobility and speed. You can encrypt the data before uploading it to cloud platforms.


It is necessary for an Enterprise’s processes to be well-connected. For instance, the Leave Management Software and Accounting Software must communicate with one another to ensure consistency across all activities. A Customer Management Application must also be able to utilize the data from the Sales Management System.

  • Enterprise Applications is a network of precisely connected services spanning several subsystems.
  • There should be a smart connection between apps that share data in order to optimize an Enterprise Application.
  • To facilitate the exchange and use of data, interoperability norms should be observed.
  • Careful design is required, even more so in diverse contexts with different systems.

Solution: Numerous Enterprise Integration Frameworks, such as the ATHENA and others, are available to address the different methods and challenges to Enterprise Integration. Assure that your Enterprise Application strictly adheres to one of these frameworks to ensure faultless compatibility.

Interface and User Experience

Is functioning all-important? No. Employees may not like using an Enterprise Application if it has an ugly user interface. If consumer applications can have elegant UI and UX, why can’t Enterprise Applications? The importance of a well-designed, pleasant user interface cannot be overstated, as it may lead to increased and effective engagement, resulting in higher value extraction from the same application.

Solution: Simplifying the application’s navigation and usability can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction and productivity. For example –  Designers can implement auto form-filling functionality to ensure that the Enterprise Application is indeed quick and user-friendly.

The Requirement for High-Quality Post-Release Support

Without adequate post-release maintenance and support, enterprise applications will fail. Many businesses do not budget enough at this period. Your application may have flaws if it is not thoroughly examined. Without evaluating and improving them, success is impossible. Important effective phases include frequent content and tool upgrades, as well as the deployment of new features.

Solution: Preventing this issue is feasible by employing a permanent team of specialists or a single committed engineer to maintain your application. Those who designed and developed your application will know how it works since they are responsible for testing, problem fixes, and system updates. You can ask them to provide your enterprise application – the necessary maintenance and support.

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