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Choosing a Kentico Development Company For Your Own Project

Kentico CMS has effectively established itself as one of the IT industry’s most desired enterprise-level CMS solutions. Its popularity may be gauged by the fact that it is used and deployed on over 28000 websites built in 135 countries. Integrating a Content Management System gets important when websites are intended to manage huge amounts of data that require regular updates, removals, and modifications.

Choosing a Kentico Development Company For Your Own Project

Kentico is a holistic marketing framework targeting programmers and enterprises, including web-based technologies, digital agencies, corporate networks, and e-commerce solutions.

Kentico’s Brief History

  • Peter Palas started the enterprise in 2004 and immediately published its first CMS for ASP.NET 1.0.


  • Following the success of version 1.0, Kentico introduced Kentico CMS 2.0, allowing developers and users to create personalized websites and portals using a browser.


  • In 2008, Kentico got accredited as a Microsoft certified member and started a new office in the United States.


  • In 2012, Kentico serviced over 12000 websites in 135+ countries.


  • Kentico was voted the best Content Management System (CMS) at Penton Media’s Annual Development Professional awards in 2013.


  • In 2016, Kentico released Kentico Cloud, a new cloud platform.


  • Kentico released version 12.0 in November 2018, making it the most sophisticated and stable content management system on the market.


  • Kentico renamed itself as Kentico Xperience in 2020, substituting Kentico CMS.

Why should you choose Kentico CMS for your project?

  1. Kentico Is A Safe Platform

Kentico cms development - cybersecurity is one of an organization’s primary priorities. To provide better security, Kentico has a proprietary security architecture that enables you to define granular access restrictions for individual pages and apps directly from the administrative interface.

Kentico’s enhanced security features, such as frequent server audits, make it among the most secure CMS available.

  1. Automated Marketing

Kentico’s technology is quite intelligent in terms of marketing automation. Administrators of websites may automate, optimize, and test software that fosters visitors through sophisticated sales funnels and classify them as potential or hot leads.

By utilizing both manual and automatic condition-based cues to shape the journeys of various users, the system adapts and responds to a user action, enabling unlimited customization opportunities for numerous marketers.

  1. Integrated A/B testing

With built-in A/B testing capability, there is no need for programmers to become entangled in deploying additional code from several other platforms, resulting in a cleaner and faster path to launching tests. Kentico’s A/B testing capability enables marketers to:

  • Experiment with an endless number of page versions
  • Determine which designs and messaging result in more conversions
  • Not relying on third-party programs to determine success
  • Monitoring tests in real-time
  • Streamline the process without the need to take kentico development services (if low on budget)

Testing pages inside Kentico is a straightforward process that may be accomplished with less front-end development assistance. Marketers may utilize the simple-to-use system to create variations, launch, analyze, and report on them.

  1. Management of Integrated Campaigns

Not only is Kentico a robust, feature-rich CMS, and also has an integrated campaign management solution. As a result, you can create, evaluate, and administer marketing initiatives from a single location. You may measure traffic driven by display advertisements, advertising emails, and social media campaigns, as well as the actions taken by people who visit your site as a consequence of such efforts.

You might, for example, create a campaign to measure how many people download a pdf from a certain page once you’ve delivered them a promotion email highlighting the product, and then set alerts whenever those users become warm prospects for your sales staff to approach.

  1. Multivariate Functionality

Multivariate testing is a feature that complements A/B testing and customization in Kentico CMS. This type of evaluation is used to analyze numerous modifications to a page at the same time, i.e. a greater range of parameters.

The web team may use this feature to optimize multiple web components and elements inside a page, including structure, styling, and widgets, and also can monitor the progress of the tests – all without requiring developer interaction. Once educated, marketers may do MVT testing on-demand.

  1. One-Click Registration

Kentico includes built-in social connectivity that enables users to register with their most frequently used social media accounts in a single click. With support for Google, Facebook, and other account types, the acquired user data is subsequently utilized by Kentico’s intelligent customization engine to provide a more personalized experience on and around the website.

  1. Integrated Email Marketing

You may utilize the specialized email tool within Kentico to design, organize, and send out interesting and powerful marketing emails. You can:

  • Create Newsletters
  • Create an email advertising strategy
  • Create promotional emails
  • Send promotional emails
  • Control beneficiaries
  • Monitor and track marketing emails

For email campaigns, the software helps marketers segment and retarget each marketing email measuring the effectiveness of the preceding message. Kentico also enables marketers by allowing them to send customized emails to targeted audiences using brand-consistent templates.

Furthermore, the Kentico solution permits marketers to easily deliver routine newsletters using established themes or the option to load information from a specific web page. Also, marketing automation enables the automated distribution of newsletters on a predefined timetable.

  1. Manage Content Workflows Effortlessly

In 2021, when everyone possesses a smartphone and the bulk of website traffic originates from mobile devices, your website should function flawlessly on mobile. Kentico CMS includes built-in design features, which enable you to build a responsive web experience across all devices. As a result, whether you’re on a phone or desktop, the website will adapt to your device, load quickly, and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

With the help of Kentico’s convenient tools, a content producer may quickly develop and publish material. Your employers may view, modify, and control material from any location and at any time using mobile devices.

Key Features of Kentico

1. Functional and Simple CMS Interface

Through the use of customizable widgets, the Website Builder empowers non-technical users to handle the content. The drag-and-drop interface offers marketers strong and versatile tools for rapidly experimenting with alternative styles and layouts without requiring the assistance of a developer. This simplified editing experience encourages entrepreneurs and content writers to provide a superior consumer experience more quickly.

2. Personalization Made Simple

Even more, Kentico makes it simple to offer a fully personalized experience. Without requiring assistance from developers, you may customize the content presented by widgets based on the information obtained via Kentico. Simplified customization management enables the creation of new widget versions depending on several criteria such as Identity, Location, and Device information.

3. Developing Forms Is Easy

Kentico’s drag-and-drop form builder helps marketers to simply design, construct, and publish web forms without requiring the assistance of a programmer. Smart forms assist in establishing progressive forms that collect data from customers at various stages of their journey. This approach is successful at collecting additional data and maintaining compact forms. By utilizing this capability, marketers may increase their agility and develop the lead-generating tools necessary to propel their organization ahead.

4. Support For Multiple Users

A requirement for every large-scale, or even small-scale, business is the ability to grant access to the backend to more than one individual. However, not only the access is acceptable; distinct permissions are critical. Kentico supports a large number of users with various access rights and keeps them organized with essential information such as email, authorization level, and day created.

5. Lead Evaluation

The ability to incorporate lead scoring is a critical component for CMS solutions as it expands into additional marketing sectors. When determining the credibility of leads, the Kentico module enables you to obtain and apply two distinct sets of rules: those based on demographics and those based on behavioral data.

This integration ensures a seamless transition from marketing to sales and provides valuable insight into the behavior of your audience and the consumer experience.

6. Detailed Templates

At first look, Kentico’s template set appears to be rather different from what we all are used to. It appears to be rather distinct from, for example, Squarespace’s extremely visual design. However, once you’ve overcome the cultural shift and learning curve, you’ll notice that you have far greater control over the designs at a detailed level.

7. The capability Of Task Scheduling

Knowing how to code can help you with this Kentico functionality, and if you already have that experience and skills, you can accomplish some very amazing and useful things. Instead of attempting to remember to perform specific activities on a periodic manual schedule, you may automate Kentico to perform regularly scheduled tasks. This functionality maintains synchronization between the theoretical systems and apps that you are executing.

Kentico can do a variety of activities for you, like generating daily summary reports, sending email reminders, and data synchronization.

8. More Effective Website

Kentico makes use of MVC technology, which aids in the optimization of website speed. Absolute control over the HTML generated helps SEO, page load speed, and overall site engagement. A quicker, more efficient website would also be detected by search engines, which will move your site up the SERPs.

How to Choose a Kentico Development Model?

Kentico’s development process offers developers three distinct development strategies: ASPX Template, Portal Engine, and MVC.

We will discuss the several benefits, drawbacks, and implementation specifics of each of the 3 distinct models accessible in Kentico to assist you with making an informed decision when you Hire a Kentico Developer.

  1. ASPX Template

This is a typical development paradigm for ASP.NET developers who adhere to the.NET structure, and developers are required to have a working understanding of VB.NET or C# due to the standard ASP.NET design. These templates allow for the insertion of custom code and widgets on the page, whereas ASPX pages created by developers are utilized to display Kentico content.

The main downside of this development methodology is that the browser-based administration panel does not provide total control over the design components incorporated into a web page.

  1. Portal Engine

Portal Engine includes a browser-based environment for building and customizing websites’ page layouts. It is the simplest way to construct websites since it makes use of Kentico’s built-in web parts, which eliminates the need for basic programming skills. However, while developing customized components, the developer must be familiar with and capable of coding in Visual Studio.

A significant advantage is that website construction is relatively quick, in addition to being simple, as the page can be developed entirely within the browser. A unique development architecture model may serve as a disincentive to using this strategy.

  1. MVC (Model View Controller)

It is built on the ASP.NET framework and utilizes the Model-View-Controller architecture, which needs developers to have a working knowledge of programming in addition to ASP.NET MVC expertise. The programmers create an object for the model, a class for the MVC controller, and a viewer to generate the pages. A significant drawback of this method is that Kentico does not adhere to the MVC design; hence, the built-in elements cannot be utilized to maintain the entire MVC framework.

While it is suggested that developers utilize the Portal Engine for developing Kentico, both ASPX and MVC could be used if Visual Studio is the chosen programming environment.

Things to Consider When You Hire a Kentico Development Company

1. Verify Their Credentials

Because Kentico is built on the.Net foundation and offers a great degree of customization and scalability, some offshore service providers believe that their team of engineers can easily manage a project even if they lack any Kentico expertise.

You can determine the company’s legitimacy by looking at its portfolio. Additionally, you may obtain the necessary confidence by reading their consumers’ comments. If a business claims to have worked on multiple Kentico projects, you should verify the scope of those projects.

2. Reliable Delivery Process

The kentico development company you choose should be able to easily explain their delivery process, including why they developed it in the first place and how it will help your project. A competent development firm that is committed to supplying you with high-quality services can boldly recite their method. They will be knowledgeable about their job and how they are the ideal choice to collaborate with you.

3. Extensive Customization

The one feature that businesses and developers like most about the Kentico framework are its adaptabilities. And, to a significant extent, it is up to the developer’s efficiency and ingenuity to contend with the most feasible solution that produces long-lasting benefits.

Regardless of how well-equipped the Kentico platform is, it will yield undesirable results if you Hire Magento Developers who do not understand how to adapt it to fit the client’s expectations or business objectives.

4. Budget & Customer Service

You must negotiate the cost when you Hire CMS Development Company in advance to avoid any misunderstandings. You must quote a specific price to the firm and agree on the timeframe of the website’s construction or any services you might want from them.

Furthermore, it is critical to determine the sort of after-sales service they give to ensure that any small difficulties that arise following the completion of your project are handled swiftly. Ensure that you obtain everything in a contract, if possible, to guarantee that there are no ambiguities about what each party expects.

5. Future of Kentico

In 2021, Kentico introduced Xperience 13, an award-winning revolutionary digital solution that combines CMS, online marketing, and e-commerce into a single platform. This renamed, upgraded, and complete version includes the CMS and EMS functionality of Kentico. It is offered as an on-premises solution or as a cloud service.

Kentico Xperience 13 is among the first DXPs to adopt ASP.NET Core MVC, enabling increased sustainability and digital automation. This new edition has plenty of other improvements that claim to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing professionals and developers while decreasing complexity.

Some of its distinguishing features:

  • Future-Proof Framework

Kentico Xperience 13 provides a faster loading time, superior performance, and rapid processing capability while consuming the fewest resources possible. It enables developers to work with cutting-edge coding languages, frameworks, and addresses large-scale corporate requirements, delivering a consistent brand experience.

  • Best Automation 

Kentico makes creating and maintaining marketing automation straightforward. Marketers may quickly save time by utilizing sophisticated technologies that automate routine operations via templates and other capabilities.

  • Integration of a Voice Assistant

Kentico Xperience 13 supports Amazon Alexa and Google Home integration, which means you can speak instructions to it and it will accomplish tasks without requiring you to type anything. The platform incorporates a unique code, KEVIN, that enables users to interact with Kentico via voice commands in their native or chosen language.

  • Single Window Solution

Kentico Xperience 13 is meant to function as a single-point framework that allows entrepreneurs to extend their capabilities while easing the burden on developers, allowing them to focus on more creative ideas while providing a quicker and better user experience.

Also, read - 12 Reasons Why Kentico Might Be A Viable Solution For Your Web Project


Kentico CMS provides the greatest features, unmatched flexibility, and a reliable platform to help your business grow and get the most out of your CMS. You can handle social media, numerous websites, and e-commerce from a single location without the risk of losing continuity. Moreover, you receive an abundance of assistance, ranging from training to direct customer service to routinely updated all-in-one bug patches.

We hope that this article gave you a better understanding of Kentico Development and that the points discussed above will assist you in selecting the best best kentico web development company.

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